Saturday, May 21, 2011

Using the iPhone as a Wi-Fi Personal Hotspot

I made a post under the title of Internet Tethering on April 1st. It's in the archives of this blog. It related to using your iPhone as a personal wi-fi hotspot for an iPad or other wi-fi device.

Jason Murray has been testing this for a while, and this is his feedback "I just wanted to say thanks for your info on the personal hotspot within our iPhones !!!  I have an iPad which I was very fortunate to be given, however it was only wi-fi enabled, restricting me to web surfing and checking mail at home.  Now with the ability for my iPhone to act as my own personal wi-fi hub I can take my iPad everywhere, and use my iPhone's Internet connection.  This is a fantastic leap forward, thanks so much for putting it out there and sharing it with us."

So thanks to Jason for this feedback. Obviously, it works well and I encourage more of you to try it. 

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