Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Should you get the new iPhone 5?

With the release of the new Apple iPhone 5, many current iPhone owners will be asking themselves the question "Should I get an iPhone 5?"

Well it really depends on your situation now. As an example, I'm not getting one at this stage because I have a10 month old iPhone 4S which already has a dual core chip, Siri and 8mp camera etc, and is doing everything I want. 

I also have a lot of accessories for it which I don't want to have to replace. When Apple unveiled the new iPhone 5, it announced that it was losing the 30-pin connector that has been the standard for five years. It's adopting a new eight-pin connector called Lightning, saying a smaller connector is necessary to keep making thinner devices, so the new dock wont work with the existing accessories. 

So if you have an iPhone 4S, it's a question of whether you want the latest phone just to have one. For 3GS owners and even iPhone 4 owners though, it is a significant upgrade and they would really notice it. Its important to note that iOS6 will be available on your existing phone models in a few days, and that has several of the features of the iPhone 5 in it as a free upgrade. Only the 4S can run Siri, the voice assistant, as previous models don't have the hardware capability.

Click here to see Apple's side by side comparison of the iPhone 4, the 4S and iPhone 5.

So weigh up your options and make an informed decision. Some may just want it for the Wow factor and that's OK. At the end of the day it's your choice! 

1 comment:

  1. The new iPhone 5 has broken all the past records of most selling cellphone. Slim and thin style, retina display, long battery life and other features are great to use. I also bought a new iPhone 5 and enjoying its great features. Thanks for sharing this useful post with us.

    iphone covers
